Monday, August 19, 2013


What is the “RISE” Technique?

“We will encourage people to learn, innovate and take risks…”  Innovation is a core value at ABARTA Oil & Gas Co., Inc., and ABARTA is rolling out an updated innovation program to encourage employees to share their ideas for change.   The acronym RISE Technique has been created to represent the focus for your creative suggestions: 


These terms have been selected to make it easier to submit ideas using the “Performance Improvement Suggestion Form” which will be reviewed by a Performance Improvement Team (PIT) crew member.

Reduce is to bring down, as in extent, amount or degree.  Consider ways to reduce the time it takes to set up, reduce the amount of time spent in down time, reduce maintenance and utility costs, reduce waste and reduce shipping and delivery costs.  There might be better, more efficient ways to handle these tasks and costs.  The goal is to streamline your workload.

Improve is to rise to a more desirable or more excellent quality or condition; make better.  There may very well be ways to improve the speed and efficiency of a machine or to improve the design, delivery and quality of a product.  There are always ways to improve the way we communicate with customers and vendors.  Other places to look for ways to improve include methods and procedures and inventory turnover.

Simplify is to make less complicated, clearer.  Most every employee would like to make their workload easier.  Share your ideas to simplify jobs, methods, handling and forms.  ABARTA’s goal is to work smarter not harder.

Eliminate is to get rid of; remove.  Every ABARTA employee should be trying to eliminate unnecessary operations, duplication of work or unnecessary reports.  Complete the suggestion form for review and submit to Manager via email 

Our goal for using the RISE technique is to improve the work life of our employees.  Your ideas, if approved, will be rewarded and recognized by upper management and will also be shared across all of ABARTA’s business units.  So please submit your suggestions because you can make a difference.